FGIS is looking for host families in our community!
Amity Institute is a U.S. Department of State designated BridgeUSA J-1 program sponsor and nonprofit organization with over 60 years of experience facilitating cultural exchange.
The Intern Program provides participants the opportunity to live in the U.S., gain teaching experience and serve as informal ambassadors for their country in U.S. schools. Interns assist in the classroom for a minimum of 32 hours per week. Interns generally live with American host families.
Assignment Overview: Interns spend one semester or full school year with their host school and are assigned to a supervising teacher. They play a flexible role in the classroom, including: observing classroom and school culture, assisting the teacher with lessons/group work, conducting cultural presentations, participating in extracurricular activities, and developing materials for student instruction.
Host School Basic Requirements: The Host School's principal oversees the assignment, follows the program guidelines and internship plan, and assigns staff members to mentor and support the intern throughout their placement. Schools pay a monthly stipend to the intern (unless the stipend is provided by another source). Interns live with a host family arranged by the host school for the school year. Host families provide a dedicated bedroom, food and transportation to/from school.